Happy Friday!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

It Finally Feels Like Spring!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Here in Ohio, after battling winter, spring always feels like a hard won victory.  You can have perpetual summer in warm climates, but; you have to earn spring.  Maybe that's why it's one of my favorite seasons.

I love when, once seer, barren trees blossom joyously.  The scent of cherry blossoms is sublime.  I adore the riot of color that bursts open with the coming of spring.  Make the time to enjoy each and every delightful moment!

  Photo from:  inthecitywithcrystalin.com

I'm Taking Myself On A Date!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Today has been a crazy day; the perfect cap to a few really crazy weeks.  I feel so drained, and my thoughts are so disjointed.  I desperately need to calm myself, so; I'm taking myself on a date.  

In my mind, I'm experiencing a convergence of every date cliché in existence.  Let's list them out, shall we: 

Flowers - Flowerama has really good prices, so; I'm treating myself to a dozen pink roses. 
Wine - My local grocery store has my favorite label - Bartenura Moscato.

Food - I'm determined to eat cleanly, so a bowl of miso from Zen Cha will be perfect.

Movie - Believe it or not, a good testosterone flick will set you to rights.  No chick flicks, when you're feeling blue.  There's nothing worse than watching love unfold on the screen, as you sit in the theatre alone.  So G.I. Joe it is!

I almost forgot....Chocolate - Since I'm cutting down on sugar, I'll pick up a 70% cacao dark chocolate when I'm getting my wine.

Ahhh, I feel better already!  

Photo from - happydayout.tumblr.com

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