The luxurious life of the single mom.
Be Fiercely Feminine
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
What is femininity? My daughter asked me this question. It's a great question, because somehow femininity as it has been quantified and analyzed, most women have been found wanting.
So I ask you, is femininity having long hair, a tiny waist, and being a size six? What if you are 5'10" or your hair is short, and your waist isn't tiny? Does this make you a manly woman?
I prefer to see womanhood as it really is. Some women have bigger hands than they feel are feminine. Those are the same hands that cook for their families, clean, and provide a gentle touch to those they love.
Your hips and waist may not be small, but, like a dear aged friend once told me; your hips are strong like a tree. These women are the anchor and strength of families.
The beauty of femininity, is that it has different hues, just like a rainbow. A rainbow would not as magnificent if it was only one color.
Be fiercely feminine, by not only using your power and your strength in the service of others, but; in loving and nuturing yourself!
Treat Yourself Right!
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Today I stopped by my favorite bakery. Normally, I try to avoid sugar, but today was not the day for that.
My rule of thumb when indulging, make sure it's exactly what you want, otherwise; you're wasting carbs.
Today's indulgence was an amazing gluten-free pink lemonade "twinkie". Admittedly, I feel guilty about doing things for myself. I can still hear my dad's reproving voice in my head, making me feel bad about my needs.
Nevertheless, I've learned that an occasional indulgence is a need. Keeping this in mind helps me fight my guilt, and helps me to enjoy my life. As women, we have to fight, every day of our lives to take care of family, and home. So, if I must fight, I'll throw my punches with my right, and eat my pink gluten-free twinkie with my left!
Bubble Tea!
Thursday, March 3, 2016
I know this a cheesy picture, but I don't care! This is my absolute favorite drink. Green tea, with tapioca pearls, floral and not too sweet. It's the little things in life!
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