Easy Indulgence #1 - Popsicle toes

Monday, November 19, 2012

One thing I love about fall, is that I can wear any crazy color on my toes that I want, and; no one has to know.  It's like having a little secret.  I love pale green, limoncello, and iridescent baby blue.  However, when I'm wearing sandals, sometimes I feel compelled to stick to the old faithful (read: boring) french manicure. 

I've decided to celebrate fall, by getting some fall colors to wear on my toes.  You should do it too!  Go out and buy nail polish in a color you've never been brave enough to wear.  Paint your toes in that wicked, brazen color.  No one has to know you've got pink glitter toes!
If you're feeling really crazy, paint each of your toes a different color.  Now, you've got Popsicle toes!


  1. Those are some pretty toes. Love that icy color....and I'm inspired!


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