Living in urban sprawl doesn't allow me to have much access to chickens, well; live chickens. By the time I come in contact with a chicken, the poor thing has already been grilled, roasted, or deep fried. Hopefully, you can forgive my ignorance of poultry, and their brethren; we don't have chickens running amuck in the city.
However, thankfully, we now have many people raising chickens, and selling fresh eggs at farmer's markets all over the city.
I never knew the difference between the eggs I got from the store, and, fresh free range eggs; until my mother brought home a dozen. Because I had gotten some of the "organic eggs" from the grocery, I comfortably felt that I was way ahead of her.
The eggs she had were white, brown, blue, and green. The green eggs, seemed especially weird to me. A polite, "no thank you" was my response when she asked if I wanted to try them.
However, one day I decided to be adventurous, and sample mom's quaint little eggs. Those eggs were amazing! The yolk was bright yellow, and very rich and flavorful. Also, they didn't possess that weird smell that many store-bought eggs have.
Do yourself a favor. Go to your local natural food store or farmer's market. Buy local, and find out how delicious local can be!

Photo from Pinterest