Hippie Healing

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

One of the things I love most about the way I was raised is that my mom was into natural remedies for sickness. It all started when my mom went to California with my dad. My dad's body was severely damaged from a botched surgery he underwent to remove cancer from his colon.

He was flown to a specialist in California for reconstructive surgery, and we were told that the odds were high that he wouldn't survive.  My brother and I were seven and ten years old respectively.

Well, he did survive. He came home beautiful and robust; so did my mom.  She had undergone so much stress, but her eyes were bright, her skin was gorgeous, and her hair was luxurious!

Turns out my mom learned a thing or two about natural and herbal alternatives.  She taught me, and I am teaching my children.  These alternatives help keep us healthy and out of the doctor's office; which saves our health and my pocketbook.

I'll share some natural alternatives with you as well.  Here's a good one: eat fresh garlic. Garlic is like a natural antibiotic.  Take it at the first sign of a cold, and put raw garlic on your food, for a kick of flavor.  Have plenty of breath mints on hand!

Of course, go to your doctor as needed, but some natural remedies may save your health, and your pocketbook too!


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