Weekends are not supposed to be stressful. This weekend was extremely oppressive, so, apparently; it didn't get the memo.
I once learned from a wise woman, that, when life is stressful; a woman has to learn to take time for herself. Frankly, I never really believed that.
I believed that you were supposed to be Supermom. Women are supposed to work the heck out of their careers, come home and cook dinner every night, afterward; helping the kids with their calculus homework. Therefore, if I come home, exhausted from my day, and lop over on the couch; I'm a loser. That's insane. But, every time I try to take time for myself, I feel so guilty; like I'm being naughty.
This does not feel good. What's missing is balance. Yes, woman can work hard, but; we also need to know when enough is enough.
Today, I'd had enough. You see, we buried a dear friend yesterday. In true mommy fashion, I didn't want to cry too much in front of the kids; no sense in upsetting them. So, I stoically held it all in, and; put up a brave face.
However, today, I finally had time to process my feelings. With a little time to myself, I cried and cried, till I was exhausted. I got some rest, and I drank...tea.
I had a lovely cup of Earl Grey tea. It must be the bergamot, that takes an ordinary tea, into a completely different stratosphere. I love the bouquet, and, the taste; especially when I use that outrageously delicious Honey Love from Mockingbird Meadows. http://www.mockingbirdmeadows.com/
Darlings, whatever tea you like, take the time to sip it slowly. Decompress, and try to concentrate on anything but your stress. I've found that focusing on my breathing, quiets my stress. Focus on each breath, and, your lovely cup of hot tea. Now, whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, repeat that exercise, until it becomes second nature. Tea is life, drink it in.
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