It's The Weekend - You Have Permission To Rest!

Friday, October 19, 2012

It's so interesting to me, how people spend their weekends.  Some people cram in scores of activities, and projects, so much so; that they need a weekend to rest up from their weekend. 

Occasionally, I have a non-stop weekend, but; I really don't like them.  I get that sick feeling in my stomach on Sunday, when I've squandered my weekend; without giving myself time to recuperate from the previous week. 

Hey, I get it.  We are busy people, busy people get things done...yadda yadda yadda.  Don't get me wrong, it's great to have the feeling of accomplishment that comes with completing a project, organizing your closet; or finishing some other long-deferred task. 

However, it's important to be balanced and know when to stop and recharge.  Be busy doing the right things, and, understand that there is a time and place for everything.  Learn to say no, to yourself and others.  Do you have to run non-stop every weekend?  Can you carve out a weekend or two just for yourself?  Only you can answer that. 

I saw this gorgeous couch in the window at Restoration Hardware.  So now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to plop down on it with a good book.  Okay, maybe not that couch, but a tolerable facsimile thereof, and; you have my permission to do the same.  Now give yourself permission, and have a wonderful weekend!

Exercise Can Be Luxurious!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I know I should exercise more.  I see all those industrious souls running and sweating; and I know I'll be in that zone eventually.  I can't wait to feel the motivation to exercise, otherwise; I'll never work out.  I just need be determined to get out there.

Most of the time, I feel too tired or lazy, to throw on work out clothes and bust a move, so; I don't.  However, I've have a luxurious alternative.

I have found that I would rather just wear comfortable clothes and shoes all the time, and go for an impromptu walk whenever I can.  I'm taking my queue from all those cool Manhattan girls I see on my trips to New York.  Many of those women, use the subway and then walk to get to work.  They wear comfy clothes, and walkable shoes, then; they hit the pavement.  It's not a big deal to them, it's just a part of their life. 

So, rather than ceremoniously changing from my work clothes into work out clothes, I wear cozy clothes and sensible shoes.  I find myself taking the stairs more often and wandering a bit more.  When your feet are hurting you don't deviate from the beaten path very often.  Sensible shoes aren't the cutest shoes but, they are a small price to pay for better health, and; more enjoyment of life.

I love taking walks.  I recently went to the park and walked, looking at all the beautiful fall scenery.  I was delighted!  I got a shot of these beautiful flowers.  Enjoy them, and get out there!

Get Your Beauty Sleep!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The last few nights, I've been going to bed after midnight.  That is so not good for me.  I typically require 8 hours every night.  Going to bed at 12:00 a.m. and waking up at 7:00 a.m. doesn't work. 

Did you know that there are optimal bedtimes?  That means that going to bed at a certain time, aligns with your body's internal clock.  In other words, going to bed at 1:00 a.m. and getting up at 8:00 a.m., isn't as beneficial as going to bed earlier, and; getting the same seven hours you need.

If you don't get enough sleep, it may increase the hormone Cortisol.  Cortisol is a sly little bugger that can break down tissue.  That leaves you with sagging skin, lines, and wrinkles.  Not to mention over time, lack of sleep can cause depression and affect your memory. Ouch!

Wow!  Okay, you had me at "wrinkles".  Tonight, I'm going to bed on time.  I can't wait; I'm exhausted!

Death's Door Gin

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I think I'm a little scared to try this, but it's a really funny name.  Actually, according to their site, these spirits take their name from the body of water between Door County peninsula and Washington Island from which they get organic hard red winter wheat to make their vodka, gin and white whisky.

Potowatami and Winnebego tribesmen originally named the waterway, while the French called it Port de Morts when trading in the area to ward off other traders.

That's your history lesson for today.  Put a smile on your face, and have a wonderful day darlings!

Pedicures - Are Not An Option

Monday, October 15, 2012

I used to believe that being a free single woman meant not being required to shave my legs every day.  I also believed that pedicures were not mandatory.  No man = no pedi. 
However, I've realized that keeping myself properly groomed has nothing to do with a man.  My legs and feet must be soft and pampered for my own pleasure.  Giving yourself a pedicure is an idea, albeit not a fun idea. 
I would much rather treat myself to a visit to the salon, letting someone else massage, and; polish for me.
I really love a french manicure on my toes.  However, I love to polish my toes in a unexpected, whimsical color like pink glitter or gold.  When I paint my toes in rainbow or Popsicle colors, it's like a little secret.  My fingers are ultra-conservative for the office, but my toes are any one's guess!


Friday, October 12, 2012

I have always loved candles.  At a previous home of mine, our fireplace had been sealed off.  The alcove was still there, but, no fire could be lit.  So, I decided to buy a gorgeous candelabra and set it inside the alcove.  It held about seven candles, and, I lit every one. 
It was amazing how my daughters would softly creep into the room, sit down on the floor, and just soak in all that wonderful firelight.  Everything always seemed so tranquil, when I lit those candles.  Of course, we moved around, and eventually we went about our evening.  But, it was the quiet way we did it when we lit candles.  It was like, no one wanted to break the stillness of the evening.
Even now, my daughters love to light candles when we have dinner.  I find that it does indeed inspire peaceful conversation, something I desperately need after a long day at work. 
My new favorite candles are from Marcus Allen.  Try Amber or Coconut Creme.  I especially love the packaging.  Let me know what you think of them.  Enjoy! 

Weep No More Sad Fountains - I love this piece. Enjoy!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Weep you no more, sad fountains;

What need you flow so fast?

Look how the snowy mountains

Heaven's sun doth gently waste.

But my sun's heavenly eyes

View not your weeping,

That now lies sleeping

Softly, softly, now softly lies


Sleep is a reconciling,

A rest that peace begets:

Doth not the sun rise smiling

When fair at even he sets?

Rest you then, rest, sad eyes,

Melt not in weeping,

While she lies sleeping

Softly, softly, now softly lies


                      ------ Patrick Doyle

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