It's so interesting to me, how people spend their weekends. Some people cram in scores of activities, and projects, so much so; that they need a weekend to rest up from their weekend.
Occasionally, I have a non-stop weekend, but; I really don't like them. I get that sick feeling in my stomach on Sunday, when I've squandered my weekend; without giving myself time to recuperate from the previous week.
Hey, I get it. We are busy people, busy people get things done...yadda yadda yadda. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have the feeling of accomplishment that comes with completing a project, organizing your closet; or finishing some other long-deferred task.
However, it's important to be balanced and know when to stop and recharge. Be busy doing the right things, and, understand that there is a time and place for everything. Learn to say no, to yourself and others. Do you have to run non-stop every weekend? Can you carve out a weekend or two just for yourself? Only you can answer that.
I saw this gorgeous couch in the window at Restoration Hardware. So now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to plop down on it with a good book. Okay, maybe not that couch, but a tolerable facsimile thereof, and; you have my permission to do the same. Now give yourself permission, and have a wonderful weekend!
Feli Nelson All rights reserved © Blog Milk Powered by Blogger
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