Today's Pick Me Up!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Let's face it, most women don't feel pretty every day.  One day we're feeling bloated, another day we've got a breakout on our face; and, let's not forget the dreaded 'bad hair day'. 

I find when I need to feel instantly pretty, and, glamorous; wearing a beautiful pair of stilettos does the trick.  High heels instantly add a wow factor to your outfit, whether it's a skirt, or; a pair of jeans with a pretty blouse.

The next time you're feeling frumpy, slip your feet into your a fabulous pair of heels.  It works every time!

Lamb Saute´

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Recently, my family and I went out to a wonderful Turkish restaurant.  I had Lamb Saute, which was really like a stew, and; it was absolutely delicious. Of course, I had the mommy guilt afterwards about the money I spent. "The kids need braces",or; "I could have spent half at the grocery store, and it would have lasted for a week!" 

Have you ever felt that spending money eating out is a waste of money?  That having an amazing meal with wonderful family and friends is an extravagance? 

Granted eating out all the time, can put a huge dent in your wallet. However, sometimes the experience is worth the money.

I can remember times when my husband and I went out for a wonderful meal, when we probably could have used that money for something more pressing.  Now that he's gone, I'm so grateful for those really special times we shared.

We'll always have bills to pay, but, our time here is not indefinite. We've got to make the most of the life we've been given.  Do something new, something exciting!  Stop and smell the hummus!

A Beautifully Healthy Snack

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sometimes there's nothing better than having nothing planned on a rainy Saturday afternoon.  My daughters and I decided that we would stay in, and; watch movies together.  We went to the store and bought some "nosh-ables". 

Instead of buying tons of junk food, I bought fruits, cheeses, whole grain crackers, walnuts, and strawberry Greek yogurt. 

I wanted make our little feast special, so I created a quick fruit and cheese platter.  The girls loved it. It was pretty, bountiful, and absolutely delicious.

Why not make one of your own.  Instead of throwing the fruit into a bowl, arrange it beautifully on a wooden cutting board.  There's no such thing as perfect, it's supposed to look rustic, so; just have fun!

A Mommy Home Run!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ever have a flash of brilliance? An inspired thought that is so perfect it almost hurts? I did, on one cold, blustery day in February.  I got a call from my kids.  The girls were out doing some volunteer work with a friend, but, had forgotten to take their keys.  Grandma was gone to an appointment, so no one was home.  I was at work, and, the kids were locked out of the house. 

Our friend had another obligation, so she had to drop the kids off.  I didn't have a clue how to handle this situation.  I couldn't leave work to open the door, and; no one lives nearby that could let the girls stay with them till I got off work. 

Then it hit me.  I asked my friend to drop my daughters off nearby at my favorite spot, Zen Cha tea salon.  I told my girls to order tea, a little something to eat, and; to relax and enjoy themselves.

I know the staff and the owner of Zen Cha, and it was the perfect place for my daughters.  The girls are both teenagers, and so are old enough to understand how to comport themselves properly.  They had a wonderful time. 

When I got off work about an hour later, I ordered some tea for myself, and relaxed with them.  It was truly a "Mommy Home Run"!  -  And yes, I am the coolest mom ever!

The Artistry Of Femininity - Lesson 5

Monday, July 1, 2013

It's important to know how to respond appropriately in whatever setting you find yourself.  One of the trickiest situations to manage is the fancy restaurant or soiree.  Something I just learned, is that at a fancy dinner you may receive sorbet in the middle of dinner. 

Be advised, this sorbet is not a dessert.  The sorbet, which is usually citrus or mint, is a palate cleanser used in the midst of the meal to cleanse the mouth of the flavors from the previous courses, or; to aide digestion. 

Remember, not to hork it down like a pint of Ben and Jerry's.  Take just a few bites for maximum effect. Bon appetit!

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