Lamb Saute´

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Recently, my family and I went out to a wonderful Turkish restaurant.  I had Lamb Saute, which was really like a stew, and; it was absolutely delicious. Of course, I had the mommy guilt afterwards about the money I spent. "The kids need braces",or; "I could have spent half at the grocery store, and it would have lasted for a week!" 

Have you ever felt that spending money eating out is a waste of money?  That having an amazing meal with wonderful family and friends is an extravagance? 

Granted eating out all the time, can put a huge dent in your wallet. However, sometimes the experience is worth the money.

I can remember times when my husband and I went out for a wonderful meal, when we probably could have used that money for something more pressing.  Now that he's gone, I'm so grateful for those really special times we shared.

We'll always have bills to pay, but, our time here is not indefinite. We've got to make the most of the life we've been given.  Do something new, something exciting!  Stop and smell the hummus!


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